‘Twas the night before chemo….

….and all through the the house, Sean is helping to clean, Q is obliviously playing, and I am packing a bag of things that will distract/help tomorrow. I have a feeling once I get there, and let’s be honest, starting right now, the only thing I will be able to think is, “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek”.

We had a nice weekend, trying to enjoy the last time I will feel “normal” in quite a while. Though that’s not really true either, since I haven’t had that gift since November, and didn’t know that day was it  until it was over. Took Q yesterday to see the Lego Batman movie (which was QUITE entertaining), and met a few great friends for dinner at Cap City. Today, we had a lovely early Valentines Day celebration at one of our favorite places.

In case you are wondering what my POWER PORT looks like at this point, I will show you below, so…. avert your eyes if you don’t want to see. I noticed today that now that the swelling has gone down, I can see a portion of the tubing and it is freaking me the freak out. I knew I would be able to see the triangular port, and had accepted that…..but didn’t know I’d have to also deal with what looks like a worm under there. <shudder> It makes me think of the scene in Poltergeist where the tequila worm grows in his stomach and….emerges.


When I WILL be thankful for it is tomorrow, when I don’t have to get poked in the arm a bunch. Yay for small favors.

In other news, we ended up having the cancer talk with Q, after he asked us if he was going to die of cancer because he had a headache. Clearly he has been paying attention. We were very positive with him, explained in very simple terms what cancer is, and went over all the survivors we know personally. We emphasized that I will be just fine after I get the “special medicine” called chemotherapy. I wish I was as confident about that as I stated to him. After our cancer talk, he said he had a question. We braced ourselves, and he said, “What’s addiction? I heard it on tv, that it’s a disease. I think it’s when you drink too much alcohol, like 10 cups of wine”. Then he said that he’s glad he knows now, because if he sees us drinking, he can say, “Guys! That is NOT good for you.” Good watching out, kid.

We gave Q a teddy bear the hospital gave us to pass on to him. He decided he would name it “chemo” because that’s “a cute name”. I hope it feels super adorable running through my veins tomorrow.

Tomorrow also marks roughly 2 weeks until I say goodbye to hair….interested to see how this process is gonna go down. We bought clippers the other day, so we are ready! I have no interest in looking like a baby bird while I hang on to every last hair as long as possible, so as soon as it starts to go….I have a date with those clippers. I’ll miss this hair.


I’ll keep ya’all posted about how tomorrow goes. Stay tuned.


7 thoughts on “‘Twas the night before chemo….

  1. Becky kirtley says:

    I will keep you in my prayers tomorrow Ronnie. Your blog is wonderful and makes me feel like I can fine tune my prayers according to you and your families special needs of the day. Love you all♡ Becky Kirtley


  2. Susan says:

    I love your attitude about hair loss and not clinging to the last few hairs. Now if only you could impart that wisdom to all of the old geezers out there styling their combovers!


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